Thursday, October 9, 2008

Not much

I have had a lot of people wondering what is going on because I haven't posted anything in awhile. Well the title speaks for itself but I will try and give a little update.....

HOUSE: We are so close and yet so far! It has come a long way but it is not yet livable. Ryan has been working so hard to get it done but there are only so many hours in a day and only so many dollars in the bank. We need to just get the countertop finished and one shower done for it to be livable. If anyone has a tile saw CALL ME! The rest of the house can be taken care of while living there.
BABY: Well I am happy to report that are little guy is doing great! His heartbeat is really strong and he is still moving around like crazy!!!
RYAN: Besides being absolutely worked to the bone he is doing well. Nothing new at work but no news is good news in his line of work! He has been such a wonderful support though this pregnancy! I can't say enough about how wonderful he is!!! I feel so blessed to have a husband that is so involved. He is doing a great job at taking care of us! We have been so fortunate that Ryan has been able to come to every baby appointment. I can't tell you how wonderful that has been!
BRITTANY: Like I said before Ryan is doing a great job at taking care of us but I am not doing very well at being taken care of. Ryan has been trying to get me to take it easy more but I am a very disobedient patient! I am constantly trying to do more than I should. I think I am finally getting somewhat better. My body is very tired! My back and belly have been hurting really bad to the point where I just want to cry (sometimes I do). We knew that with my back problems this pregnancy would be a challenge but we have always hoped for the best. I am working on not trying to be superwomen and admit that I need to rest. This is really hard for me because I don't want to be this lazy sit on her bum pregnant lady! I guess I just need to realize that I have a special problem and that I am not being lazy. I am still swimming and doing yoga. I look forward to these activities so much, they get me through the long days!
What else is new? We have a new nephew he was born on Tuesday and his name is Tage. We will get to meet him at Thanksgiving. He came after his due date and I told Ryan he didn't want to come down because he was having fun playing with our baby. I think it is fun to have cousins that are close in age. I love my cousins, they are some of my best friends! Unfortunately Tage lives in Arizona so the boys won't get to see each other much. I think that is it. Ryan and I have a photoshoot on Monday so keep a watch out for those pictures. By the way Happy Fall! I am loving the weather!!!


Emily said...

Let me just tell you that I have totally been a "lazy sit on her bum pregnant lady." And even though I often regret not getting more done, I figure I'll bounce back soon enough after the baby is born that I can sit around all I want for now :) Make sure you take care of yourself. Don't push it too hard... it's bad for you and for the little one!

Jennelle said...

Be Lazy while you can!!! I am sure later on in life when you have 10 kids you are going to be praying for a chance to be lazy even if there isn't a reason.

CJMsquared+6 said...

Just wait till your next baby and then you won't mind being a "lazy sit on her bum pregnant lady!" It seems like with each pregnancy I realize that everything will get done and it is more than ok to just sit back and relax, while you can. Sounds like you are taking care of and being taken care of though. Aren't GREAT Husbands Wonderful!! Sometimes I feel so horrible when my horomones get the best of me and all Curtis can be is sweet and caring... Good Luck with the everything and remember to relax and enjoy the ride!

Amy said...

I just saw your comment on Alli's blog. I know that I have seen your name on their before but it never dawns on me who you are! Sounds like things are crazy at your house - good luck with everything!

tiffunny said...

Glad things are going good for you & your family! When are you due again? I can't wait to see what the little guy looks like!! Madyson is reading this with me & was excited to see your blog cause she remembers when you were her primary teacher (and then of course music person)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the baby. I found your blog through Natalie Hughes I am not sure if you will remember me but I just thought I would say hello.

Danielle Avila said...

I am sorry it has been a tough pregnancy, but don't worry the is light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait to see your house when you guys are finished. What a tuff job.