Hard Boiled: After the egg has been peeled (See if you can get someone else to do this for you) remove yoke and toss the whites away. Eat the yoke. Whatever you do do not eat the egg whites!
Egg Salad: Eat all the egg salad off the bead. Leave the bread. Do not eat the bread unless your mom forces it into your mouth. Even if you really love bread, like I do.
Poached: Eat all the yoke and some-all of the whites. Depending on what you feel like that day.
Scrambled: Now this one is tricky! Scrambled eggs CAN be ok to eat but only if cooked properly! Eggs MUST be fluffy. If there is any part that is not fluffy or "well done/crispy" get rid of it.....DO NOT INGEST! Even if it is already in your mouth, remove it at once!!!! For the best flavor cook with a olive oil spay, salt, pepper and a little bit of Frank's Hot Sauce.
Over Hard/Over Medium: Pick up egg with hands and eat out the yoke. Leave the whites.
Over Easy: The PERFECT egg! Cut egg up and stir until all the whites are cover with yoke and EAT, EAT, EAT!!!!!
Thank You Ezra!
I don't know about you, but I've been eating eggs wrong for 25 YEARS!!!
Ezra LOVES eggs so much he wakes up in the morning BEGGING for them! Ryan went to get him out of bed the other morning and Ezra stood up, looked at him and said, "Eggs." Many mornings I see little eyes looking up over the side of my bed and hear a little voice saying, "eggs"...... "eggs please"...... "eggs?"......... "eggs please, thank you"........ "eat"....... "eat eggs"
Ezra's Breakfast most days consist of two egg cooked over easy and two glasses of juice. But this is not any old juice, this is juice that I make in my Vita Mix. His Juice is made of spinach (one cup), carrots (one-two), banana (one) and other variables..... grapes, apples, oranges, strawberries, whatever. A pretty hearty breakfast!
It is not just mornings that he asks for eggs. He will eat them ANY time!
What a cute post! This must be some secret little kids club thing because this is exactly how my kids eat their eggs too! Now I think I'll go have some eggs!
that's hilarious! what a cutie.
I'm pretty sure if those adorable little eyes and mohawk peeked up at me and said, "eggs, pease, eggs", resistance would be absolutely futile. Way to do your part in keeping the chicken farmers in business!
What a Healthy boy!! But he has to have a healthy appetite if he is gonna grow as BIG as his daddy!!
I really want to hear him say, "EGGS!"
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