Who's Kim you ask..... She's my Aunt! Kim married my Uncle Damon (my Dad's younger brother) last year.

Aren't they cute?

I love this picture! Damon is a really fun guy and I think this picture captures a bit of his personality:) Damon is in many ways is more like a older brother than a uncle.....But a cool, nice older brother! First, he's not that much older than I am. Second, we've lived close to each other most of my life, so we've done a lot together. He has been a awesome uncle to all of his nieces and nephews! We all have fond memories of our "Dates". These dates were usually you, a sibling that was close in age and him doing some sort of fun activity. The first date was when he had just turned sixteen...He took all of the nieces and nephews to a drive-in movie (I believe we saw Aladdin). My parents went to help drive and supervise....Not because he wasn't responsible! He was only sixteen and there were at least six of us kids...that's A LOT for any sixteen year old to be in charge of! He did pay for all of us and had popcorn, candy and drinks for us:) How sweet is that? There have been many dates since...the boys have gone golfing, I think some laser tag and much more. The date I remember most was with my sisters Ashley and Brennan. Damon took us to Panda express for dinner and then we went to Circus Circus (a local amusement park). While we were at Circus Circus he won us girls cute stuffed flowers. I had my flower for many years. So, I think you get the idea...Super cool Uncle! Although I don't know Kim as well (she's still "new" in the family) I am enjoying getting to know her! I love what she's brings not only to my Uncle's life but to our whole family!!! She is a great addition to the Waldron gang! So speaking of addition this cute couple knew they wanted to add to their little family......

And so they are!
Their first baby is due any day!
I was able to host a little shower in honor of Kim and the newest addition to our family. Just a side note....I haven't gotten a new cousin in almost fourteen years. Well, I guess that's not totally true...I've had cousins get married and they have had kids, but I haven't had a new first cousin born in almost fourteen years, so excuse me if I'm a little over excited!
We had an Italian dinner, as that's what the mommy-to-be has been craving. Here are some pictures of the decorations.....

The candy bar
I hand painted the sign....I'm pretty happy with the results. Any excuse to make a craft right?

The guests made their own favor at the candy bar

The cake

This was my first ever vanilla cake from scratch. I LOVE baking but I don't get to do it very often.

So the baby's name is going to be Hailey Marie. I thought it would be cute to spell out her name with blocks. I started setting up things for the shower a couple days in advance (I've got to take time when and where I can!) So one thing I set up was the blocks. Well my mom got into town the day before the shower so I made her a welcome "sign" with some blocks. I had to go raid my Hailey sign to have all the letters. Later that night I took back the blocks to fix my Hailey but instead of saying Hailey it looked like this....

The sad thing is we didn't realize it was wrong....Not Ryan (who took the picture), Ashley, my mom or myself! It wasn't until midway through the shower that Kim said something. Brain dead! I guess it's just one of those things, when you know what something is supossed to say so that's what it looks like. Brain dead. Sorry girl! The good news is I don't think I will ever missspell the name again! Later that night I corrected the sign......

That's better!

The Grandma's
Rosemarie and Colleen
We were playing the game where you guess how big the mommy's belly is. Rosemarie, Kim's mom won.

Look at this cute decoration.....oh, wait that's Levi.....he is cute! Right before we took the picture he was laughing at his reflection in the dishwasher.

Kim did a great job of modeling Hailey's new clothes, especially the hat!

This is Miss Lucy patiently waiting for her new friend to be born. I think she and Hailey will be good friends!
Some solidly fantastic baby showering! And with twins! Showering praise... oohing... aahing... bowing at your feet...
K, I'm done.
So so cute!! Pat yourself on the back, girl!
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