My Mom, sister Ashley and I completed The Biggest Loser 5k! It was by far the most fun 5k I've done. The course was in St. Gorge at Tuacan (a beautiful outdoor theater). It was also the hardest 5k I've done, due to the elevation and a hill. The beautiful overcast weather made it COLD. Right before the race started it started to sprinkle, by the middle of the race it was POURING! Thankfully I had put the babies in several warm layers.
A big thank you goes out to RYAN!!! He was the driver of this trip, photographer and child care provider for Ezra and Ivy.
Now before I get to the pictures I need to make something clear....Ryan took pictures of all us girls as we were running. But I'm only posting the pictures of me and one of mom because the ladies have asked that I don't post the pictures of them......no sleep, no makeup, pouring rain....they didn't feel cute about that. I think they look beautiful but I will respect their wishes. I just had to write this so you guys don't think I'm some picture hog.
My little stud sporting green to support our team!
Levi all bundled up and ready to go.
Those guys are trainers for the Biggest Loser Fitness ridge. As I was running by them they said "Dang it's these kind of people that make a person look bad. Look at her pushing a stroller and passing everyone up." Dear random trainers, Thank you for totally making my day...I love you!
I am SO proud of my mom! She did such an amazing job! During different points of the race we passed by each other, each time I saw her putting forth her all and I was just PROUD!!! This is something she has NEVER done before and she didn't only finish, she finished STRONG! Good job Mom!!! Happy Mother's day Mom. I love you and I'm so proud of you!!!

It was SO cold and it started to rain, so Ryan took Ezra and Ivy to the car. Ryan stood outside the car to take pictures. Ryan heard Ezra yelling "GO MOMMY GO!!!" When Ryan came back to the car Ezra said "Daddy I push the button." Yes, Ezra taught himself how to roll down the window so he could cheer for me. Now that's support!
When I found out about this race (thank you Diana) I wanted to do it because I am a HUGE Biggest Loser fan! The show is so inspirational. There have been many times that I cry while watching. Just think if the contestants can change their lives completely what can we do to make improvements in our lives? Well I'm not the only fan of the show, my whole family loves it. We used to all watch it together. My little brother Andrew just sent my Mom an email of the play by play of whats going on in the Australia Biggest Loser.......Yeah, we like the show.
My Mom was saying last time she was here that she would really like to do a 5k. When I found out about this race I called my siblings and asked if they would like to go in on a early Mother's day gift with me and they all said yes. This race was my Mom's gift. When I called to tell her about it she was so excited which made me even more excited!
So I entered the race through Weight Watchers. It just so happens that they were doing a drawing for a free hotel room and tickets to The Letterman. I WON! I sent my Mom and Ryan on a little "date" to see the show and Ashley and I stayed with the kids at the hotel. I think my Mom and Ryan had a good time and Ashely and I didn't kill the kids.....success!
So proud of you!!!
Woot woot! I am loving the running pictures!!
There's an Australian Biggest Loser? Cool!
I can't believe we had to MOVE just weeks before this! I totally would've gone! So fun. I LOVE your stroller! I want one! Actually, there are triple jogging strollers I've been looking at. I want one of those more, but they're like $600-$1000.
You look so great!
The red rock background makes me miss Southern Utah bad!
You go girl! I couldn't help but notice your race#. Momma didn't need any help that's for sure!
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