Every Sunday is the same for me...........
Get up fix Ezra breakfast, try and grab something myself, shower, get Ezra and myself ready, pack diaper bag (snacks, water, toys, diapers) and go to church. At church I try my hardest to keep Ezra happy, still and quite. Mostly still and quite.....happy just helps the process! This is NOT at all easy! He is a very active little boy!!!! My goal is to at least keep him sitting still, on my lap and quite during the Sacrament. This is about ten minutes. He fights it by wiggling, screaming, kicking one or all of these things happen. Most Sundays I get him to sit still for those brief moments. I have these little cutouts to teach him what the bread and water symbolize. Each Sunday as he sits on my lap I talk to him about what they each mean. I also have this picture.........

Last Sunday being like every other Sunday I went through this same process. Pointing at the picture above I said,"Ezra, This is Jesus." "Who is this Ezra?" Ezra pointing at the picture said, "Jesus!" I was SHOCKED!!!! So were the people behind me they were all saying, "Did you hear that baby?" "He said Jesus!" (I admit this was a very proud Mommy moment!!!!) Still in shock I asked Ezra my question again. And once, twice, three times he answered the same. He understands!!!! My wiggly screaming child has heard what I've been saying all along, and now he understands!
So to all you Moms out there who get discouraged (as we ALL do). Your children hear you. They are learning. And some day, One very wonderful day, They will tell you.
I love this post. Thanks for sharing. Although scout is still so little... I still feel discouraged at times. I don't feel like I am getting much out of church lately besides the struggle of keeping a little one happy and teaching two 8 year old boys in primary (yes that's right... just 2). Which is way harder I have found out than having a big class. I know all the struggle will be worth it when your child starts to understand the importance of going to church as I am truely starting to understand now since it would be way easier just to stay at home
I know how you feel! It is very rare that I feel like I get much out of church. Ryan works on Sundays so it is hard to be there by myself! I have found that if I try really hard to prepare myself I can get a little more out of it. I teach three girls and you know sometimes only one comes. Two young boys would be much harder!
That is so cute! Love it!
Kids a dang genius, he's making Rhode look like the mentally challenged child!
So we can all celebrate. After who knows how many months i was finally able to add your blog to my side bar so I know when you update. I have seriously attempted this feat about 5 different times to no success. I was starting to wonder if your blog was cursed........ but good news, its not! Be prepared for many more long, annoying, and only slightly humorous comments from yours truly!
How cute!! It reminds me of Elder Bednar's talk about being persistent and continuing to do the right things in teaching our children, even if we think they are not absorbing it.... because THEY ARE!! Keep up the good work Momma!
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