Things have been so crazy that life is just a blur right now!
Who was feed last, how long did they eat, what kind of diaper did they have, has Ezra eaten yet, wait....when was the last time I ate, WHAT DAY IS IT ANYWAYS? You might think this is a funny exaggeration, but it's not. It's our life right now.
When Ezra was born Ryan had six weeks off. It was just the three of us hanging out in our underwear/diaper all day. Ryan and I took THOUSANDS of pictures, really we did and we would take naps when he napped. What a life! This time around things are VERY different. Not bad, just different. Someday when Levi and Lucy ask me what they were like when they were babies I want to be able to tell them. Honestly, someday I want to know what was going on during this time too. I am trying to take pictures. It helps me remember what is going on.
So here are the pictures of week one and a little bit of what I remember.
August 6, 2010
He brought Mommy, Grandma, Levi and Lucy each a dozen roses, our favorite pizza (Verazanos), and a bunch of fruit.
August 7, 2010
Ezra calls Lucy, Sushi and Levi, Beby. He is so sweet with them!
They got Levi & Lucy really soft blankets and they gave Ezra some cars.
August 10, 2010
Ezra calls Lucy, Sushi and Levi, Beby. He is so sweet with them!
They got Levi & Lucy really soft blankets and they gave Ezra some cars.
We went to the lactation consultant.
August 10, 2010
A/C went out!!!!
I thought that I was just warm but I went to pick up Lucy and she was burning up. I thought maybe she was ill. I looked at the thermostat and the needle (yes needle, it's old) was past 80 as far as it could go. So we packed up and went to My friend Kacey's house to get out of the heat. Thank you Kacey!
Ryan was able to get the A/C repaired with the help of his Uncle Matt. It's frustration throwing money away on an A/C unit that's half dead anyway!
August 11, 2010
Went to the lactation consultant again.
She brought Ezra a book and some trucks.
So no one tells you that after you have a baby you still look like you are pregnant for awhile. Mine might last a little longer/forever (not forever......positive affirmations. I WILL GET RID OF THIS BELLY!!!) because I had twins. It is getting smaller everyday:)
Well this isn't glamorous, this real life. What Hollywood tries to hide. Yes...this is me at
"39 Weeks"
We went to the Chiropractor. Levi & Lucy got their first adjustments.So no one tells you that after you have a baby you still look like you are pregnant for awhile. Mine might last a little longer/forever (not forever......positive affirmations. I WILL GET RID OF THIS BELLY!!!) because I had twins. It is getting smaller everyday:)
Well this isn't glamorous, this real life. What Hollywood tries to hide. Yes...this is me at
"39 weeks" Six days after I gave birth.

I hope this picture can help someone......
Dear Someone,
No you are not the only one who still looks like they are pregnant after having a baby!
You are BEAUTIFUL!!!
Well that's a bit of what happened in week one. There were other visitors, lots of feedings lots of diapers and LOTS of crying.....not just from Levi and Lucy. Oh, and there was NO sleep!
Stay tuned for more adventures of newborn twins.
They are beautiful!
And yes it is crazy, so good for you for taking all these pictures!
I remember when Leslie had her twins, she sounded an awful like you sound right now. She made it through though, so there is hope :)
I LOVE the picture of your belly now. I do think that women think it is just them and that everyone else looks amazing afterwards. Hopefully your letter will help someone!!
Here's for hoping time starts flying! They are just so precious and you are doing a fantastic job!
BTW - I am sooooo sorry about not showing up yesterday. I realized about an hour ago that yesterday was Saturday. I don't even have twin babies or a lack of sleep as an excuse! I'm just plain ridiculous. Sorry again, and expect a fantastic meal next week. Oh yeah, it's gonna be good!
I love the pic of you and your littles cuddling in bed. So precious.
I love that you are being real and not painting it a beautiful, unrealistic picture. You're hunmen so you'll have good days and bad. The good news is I think you're a rockstar and you can definitely handle this!
i love those babies. it took all my power today not to touch those cute babies. ;) glad i got to see them though! they are beautiful like their mama!
Congrats on your lovely little ones!
you ROCK! way to take care of business, mama! LOVE the honesty! you are doing great...keep it up!
I love how you are completely honest about really are SuperMom/Superwoman! Sounds like things have been hectic, but you are handling them pretty be honest with you, you are very strong because I don't think I could do what you are doing! Congrats and keep it have a beautiful family!
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