The run is a fundraiser for a local charity called Opportunity Village. They are a organization that helps people with intellectual disabilities by giving them vocational training and jobs.
It is called The Great Santa Run because all the runners, walkers and cyclists are dressed in Santa suits. Some people really go all out by adding on to the costume provided or buying a new (fancy) one altogether. People dress up there dogs and kids. It is just a lot of FUN! We dressed up the kids and they were a hit! I had several people come up and ask if they could take our picture. We even had a lady stop us while we were running to ask if she could take a picture. I can't blame them, look how cute they are......
This year a new world record was set for most santas in one place. I'm not sure how many santas were there but I know it was over 8,000.
This year Ryan and I did the run together. I really enjoyed running with him! It was actually our very first time running together. Ryan pushed the kids in the stroller and I ran along beside them. We had a great time. After the run Ryan and I got doughnuts.....because heaven forbid we should burn extra calories:)
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