Dcember 17, 2010
Ryan's FAVOITE brother Branden came to town (one and only brother)........ He brought down two of his boys, Sawyer and Bridger. We missed His wife, Lynne and other son Caleb but we were SO happy to have part of the gang here! Branden and his family live in Alaska so we don't get to see them very often :( While he was in town we did our family Christmas gathering. Unfortunatly we were a small group this year. Ryan's sisters Michelle and Jenenlle and their families live out of town and were unable to make it. His sister Danielle and her family were suposed to come but her kids got sick. Amie's son, Dustin was sick and her daughter Lauren was working so it was just her and Brayden......Like I said, small group. We MISSED all of you who couldn't be there!!! The food was wonderful and we enjoyed a story read by grandma Diana and flute playing by papa Dennis.
Belive it or not I brought my camera AND took pictures:)

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