and a.....
That's right....
So here they are......
The funny thing is I was doing this same thing right before we started the ultrasound and the lady had to tell me to stop. During the whole thing I kept having to uncross my ankles as I kept crossing them.
It was amazing to watch them interact with each other!
The ultrasound tech said she had never seen twins put their feet together like this. She was in just as much awe as we were.

The ultrasound tech said she had never seen twins put their feet together like this. She was in just as much awe as we were.

Poor guy!!!
In the bottom left picture you can see his arm bent back.
So how do we feel about this?
We couldn't be more happy!
We have had lots of questions......
"Are you shocked?"
"Did you think at all that is might be twins?"
"Did you think at all that is might be twins?"
"Are you so freaked out?"
"I thought twins skipped a generation!"
(They say this because my Mom had twins)
The truth is Ryan and I both thought we were having twins. I had the feeling quite early. Whenever I would think about the "baby" or pray for the health of the "baby" in my head I ALWAYS said babies. In fact I finally started praying for my babies. I figured it could count for Ezra and any future children just in case I was only carrying one. When we had the ultrasound we finally had proof for the rest of the world. In fact I would have been in shock if they said it was only one. I think I would have said "Can you please find my other child!" I/we are not freaked out at all! We are SO excited!!!! Triplets would be freaky...twins are not! Yes, of course it will be a lot of work. I KNOW.....I was 14 1/2 when my Mom had my brothers so I remember what it was like! The only thing we are "worried" about is getting all the stuff we need......Our car will NOT fit three car seats so we need a new car. Can you put that on a gift registry? LOL!!! Of coarse we will need other things but that will be the BIG ticket item.
Twins skipping generations is a Old wives tale. Fraternal twins (which is what are twins are) come from two different eggs. So any women with the gene to release two eggs can have twins. If it's in the family, it's in the family.....so your chance of getting that gene is like the chance of having blue eyes. Our daughter had a VERY high chance of having twins being a twin herself! We are so happy to have our little family of three become a family of five!
Twins skipping generations is a Old wives tale. Fraternal twins (which is what are twins are) come from two different eggs. So any women with the gene to release two eggs can have twins. If it's in the family, it's in the family.....so your chance of getting that gene is like the chance of having blue eyes. Our daughter had a VERY high chance of having twins being a twin herself! We are so happy to have our little family of three become a family of five!
Dear Sweet Babies,
You are spacial. You are wanted. You are loved. We are looking forward to meeting you this August!
We LOVE you!
Mommy, Daddy & Ezra
* We had the Ultrasound Friday April 9th 2010.
Eleven years ago this day is when my Mom had her Ultrasound and found out she was having twins!!!!