I LOVE the
Clark County Fair!!!!
But really.....What's not to love?
There is

We started our day off by going to the pig races. Ezra was so freaked out at first!!!! Then he started signing......
BIRD? "No Ezra, that's a pig." DOG? "No Ezra, that's not a dog it's a pig." CAT? "No Ezra, that's not a cat that's a pig." He doesn't know the sign for pig so he didn't know what to call it. It was so cute to watch him ask us.
They have never had this at the fair......
One because Ezra LOVED the animals and two because it was indoors. It ended up being a warm day. The first really warm day of the year. A perfect day for a fair!
Petting a 5 day old porcupine!
When the roosters got a little too laud......
It was so cute when Ezra started copying the rooster crowing!
He spent a lot of time by these little chicks. He would sign bird and he started putting his fingers in the cage to pet them.
I guess it's good to love the animal that gives you your favorite food!
So I really must give some background to this picture. As I said before we spent a lot of time in the small animal area. The first two times the the kangaroos were not out.....I didn't even know they had any. Then I saw them and I was in LOVE! They were letting people not only touch them but hold them too! So I patiently waited as many children held the kangaroo. More and more kids kept coming up and their parents would take their picture. So I waited and waited. I knew they were getting ready to put them away and give them a little break but that was ok because I was next. Then this dumb teenager girl came and took the joey from this little girl just as I was about to have my turn. Then one of the ladies in charge said she needed to put them away. I was crushed!!!!! I asked her when they would be back out and she said 15-20min. That didn't happen. We left and did some other stuff. Then we went back and they were out again! YAY! So I asked the boy if I could take a picture. He said yes and he looked like he was handing the joey to me but when I tried to hold him he said I couldn't. The adults were on break so that must be the rules. Oh well I thought.....At least I got a picture touching a joey. But really I was still bummed! So we were getting ready to leave and I decided to go see the animals one last time. That's when I got my chance to hold the joey!!!!! It was really cool! They are so soft, like a bunny. So that's the story of me waiting all day to hold a baby kangaroo. It was totally worth it!!!!!
Because it was later in the evening most people had gone home so we were the only ones by the animals and Ezra could finally get close. It was also the end of the day so he wasn't afraid anymore.

Yes, in that center picture Ezra is holing hands with the monkey!
All the animals out to touch was a new thing this year. I thought it was great!
We did get to see Ashely & Ivy for a little while. They got there late because Ashley worked part of the day. We shared a cotton candy and a HUGE curly fry. I had to wait to eat them with my sister!
We'll see you next year!!!
sooo jealous! About the little roo too! Did the fine arts section miss me this year? Hope you gave the fair a hug for me! Maybe next year we can cruise down.
YEAH!!! We are going first thing in the AM!!! How fun!! I bet Ezra was tuckered out when you left...oh, and he WILL remember this! I didn't think Mark would at that age...but he did!
okay so first off I am totally jealous you got to go to the fair, second the dress you made for Ivy is adorable, and third I didn't even know you were prego. it has been awhile since I have been in the blogging world but so fun to see all your updates. P.S. Ezra is such a handsome little fella!
Weren't you headed all the way across the globe to hold a baby kangaroo?! Who knew you just had to take a 45 minute trip? :)
I haven't made it to the Clark County fair yet after 5 years of living here. I might need to make a change next year. The large amounts of fried food really did me in.
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