As a child I always received TWO Easter baskets! One from the Easter Bunny and the other from my Grandma & Grandpa (Mom's parents). Spoiled I know!!! Well, I STILL get TWO Easter baskets. All these years later my Grandad and Aunt carry on the tradition. Now Ivy and Ezra get to enjoy the LOOT too! Yes, Great-Grandad makes them baskets!!!
Last year the kids were too young to know what was going on, but they sure had a great time this year.
It was different not having my parents and younger sibling there. We were a much smaller group than normal. My Cousin Stephanie came down from California (Yes...Easter is that big of a deal to our family). Stephanie is my only cousin as her Father (my Mother's only sibling) Steve died when Stephanie was only three years old. We ate lots of food and enjoyed our Family traditions.........
Egg hunt, baskets, and penny hunt.
What's a penny hunt? Well the grownup in charge (I am not a grownup yet......I still hunt) throws a bunch of pennies on the lawn and we search for them. Whoever get the most pennies wins.This is really hard because the grass "eats" the pennies. If you don't believe me try it! We still do the regular penny hunt but we now also do a hunt with chocolate gold coins. The different sized coins are worth different amounts of money. Yes, we get cash prizes at our party! Ezra and I got TEN dollars this year! Oh, and I must say that I won the penny hunt this year! This is something that never would have happened if my brothers were there.
Just for a little history my Grandma started this tradition with the neighbor children when they first moved to Las Vegas. The house they lived in is my home today. My front yard was the first penny hunting grounds.
On Easter Sunday Ezra and I spent the day watching Conference and spending some time Grandma Gail (Ryan's Mom). When Ryan got home from work we had a yummy chicken dinner with homemade biscuits (made by Ryan). It was a relaxing day!
The Easter Bunny Brought Ezra: his favorite organic bunny crackers Mommy: lots of Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs, red nail polish, jelly beans, silly string and a Princess coloring book and Daddy: Cadbury eggs and homemade chocolate chip cookies (Somehow the Easter Bunny got me to make them for him.......Lazy Bunny!)
Of course this would not be a Petersen post with out TONS of pictures so here they are.......

He liked it for a while but then he just wanted to play in the rocks.

I made Ivy's dress out of on of Ryan's old shirts! Look it up online....It really fun! I being a bit of a over achiever decided that I needed to add a little more so I added a tie and the flower. Look up fabric rag roses. I also made my headband.
I was really hoping to get some good pictures of the kids while we were at my Grandad's house but there was way too much going on! Still wanting my pictures I dressed the kids up a couple days later and did a photo shoot. I wish I had someone there to take a video because It was funny! Not the kids...ME!!!! Trying to get a one year old and a two year old to stay in one place AND look pleasant is hard! Good luck if you want a smile!!!! My trick......Raisins and a stuffed frog that sings "Ladies Night" Are you getting the picture of how funny this was?
So here they are........
My happy boy!
What FUN traditions!! I love the dress you made, too! It's absolutely darling and there is NO way you'd know it was a shirt before. Great pictures! Easter is definitely a fun holiday!
I love that dress idea. My sister-in-law did the same thing for her daughter for Christmas. Did you make Ezra's suit too? It's adorable!
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