As you can tell I'm still growing and the good news is the babies are too!
At our ultrasound the guessed weights are 4lbs 11oz for baby A (our little boy) and 5lbs for baby B (our little girl). They are growing so healthy and strong. For that we are very thankful!!! We got to see that our little girl has some chubby cheeks, so cute. It's harder to get a good look at our little boy but we did get to see a good profile where it looked like he was pouting his lips....That or he just has some very kissable lips! His profile looks like he has more of Ryan's features. Ezra has mine. It will be so fun to see how they both look and if any of our kids will look like each other.
By the way....I'm measuring in at 48 centimeters! Yes, I have a uterus the size of a women at 8 week overdue!!!
Ezra got a new hair style. I call it messy military. His hair won't do a real flat top because he has cowlicks that still want to make his hair Mohawk.
Our little family
I wanted to make sure I got a picture of us before we go from our little family of three to a family of FIVE.
How can you help?
Many have asked "How can I help?" We would ask that you please pray for us! Pray that these babies stay in and keep growing healthy and strong until they are full term (NO....I do NOT want them to come early. I want them to stay in and finish cooking). We are also praying for my body to keep strong and healthy, as this pregnancy is very hard on me physically and mentally. We are praying for a safe and healthy labor and birth. We are doing everything in our power to make these things happen!
We believe in the power of prayer!!! If you also believe, please join us.
I wanted to make sure I got a picture of us before we go from our little family of three to a family of FIVE.
How can you help?
Many have asked "How can I help?" We would ask that you please pray for us! Pray that these babies stay in and keep growing healthy and strong until they are full term (NO....I do NOT want them to come early. I want them to stay in and finish cooking). We are also praying for my body to keep strong and healthy, as this pregnancy is very hard on me physically and mentally. We are praying for a safe and healthy labor and birth. We are doing everything in our power to make these things happen!
We believe in the power of prayer!!! If you also believe, please join us.
Hey Brittany,
Congratulations again. I'm so happy for you! You look like such a beautiful and happy mother. :) When I decide to start a family, can I ask you for help and advice? Tips? Mantras? I'll be praying for you and your twins. :) Love, Tiffany (Bohne) Feller
Those babies are definitely growing! I got to 47 cm with one baby so I kind of know how you feel as far as being huge goes. I'm sure you will far surpass me before you are done!
We'll send prayers your way!
You look amazing!! We will be praying for you and your family. That is great that those friends from church can help you out so much. I know how it feels to be the one taking care of a family and it is hard. Your mom, I am sure, really appreciates the help!! We can help too if you think of something that you need other than prayer.
Good luck!!
You look amazing brittany!! Im glad those babies are gorwing still, I didnt get a chance to talk to you at the wedding =( You were constantly in convo with someone else!! Well keep you in our prayers!
Prayers are with you. So amazing what someones body will go through for their children. Truly a miracle you have gone this far and pray that they stay in for at least 2 more weeks. Most likely we will not see you at the reunion. Get lots of rest.
Kim Waldron
That is the most awesome baby bump I have ever seen! I love it. And I am totally impressed with how cute and made up you look!
Keep it up babe, you're almost there!
Brittany, you are truly an example. I love your attitude about letting your babies grow as long as possible. I know you must be in so much pain, and so many other people would just complain instead of being so grateful and positive. Good for you! We are definitely keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers. Let them babies bake!
You are adorable and we will absolutely keep praying for your cute family!
i'm so glad to hear that both those little cuties are doing well, and that you are still hangin in there and smiling!! you'll definitely be in my thoughts and prayers! keep us updated!
You look beautiful! and so does your family! We will keep you all in our prayers.
i'll help by praying AND giving you compliments. haha I do love a pregnant belly, and the pregnanter the better! Yours is adooorrable! I cant wait to see the babies!
Great update! I'll ditto everyone else - you look super cute and happy. 48 weeks - wow! So glad it's all going well. We now get to say we're in our 37th week!!! The average twin gestation in the US is 35 wks, 3 days - so we beat the odds! I need to follow your example and actually take more pictures of myself. In a few months/years, we'll look back at this relatively short double-pregnant stage and know it was worth it! Even if our stomachs never get back to normal :)
Hooray for cooking babies! Prayers? You got em. You look great! Good Luck with the next few weeks!
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