Ryan was in a very bad accident at work on August 24th. His car was totaled and caught on fire! The amazing thing is that he came away without a scratch!!! His body was very sore of corse and his wrist was hurting pretty bad, but he is all better now. He was being watched out for, there is no doubt in my mind! I am so thankful to our Heavenly Father for keeping him safe!!! We feel so blessed! There were so many variables: that if he would have been two inches more to the left or if his car would have hit another way he would not be injured, he would be dead. He was taken to the hospital on a backboard via ambulance. Here is a picture of him in the hospital. Thank you Heavenly Father for your protection!

i am so glad he is alright! i will keep you guys in my prayers more to keep him safe.
Glad to hear he is ok... wow... How scary! What a blessing that he wasn't hurt worse.
Wow. I am SO glad that he is ok. I know what a bad car accident leaves behind. Thanks Heavenly Father!
WOW! So much has happened! I am glad he is ok! It is really scary having a husband in the Police Force. I get scared and think about Brice all the time. EVERYDAY. It is super scary. Yes, Josh is turning 30! WOW, hasn't time flown out the window! I can't believe it. it feels like yesterday I was 16. How are you doing? How are you feeling?
Poor Ry Ry...glad you are all better!
he looks sad in the picture...he was lucky!!!
thank goodness!!!!
I just noticed that he is still wearing a badge (mark)... now that is a dedicated officer! ;) Hopefully it got him extra good treatment.
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