Novermber 14, 2008
I am twenty- four, where did the time go? It seem like I just turned twenty-one. My birthday was on a Friday which is one of Ryan’s work days so he and I celebrated the Wednesday before. Ryan and I went to Maggiano’s for dinner, it was so yummy! On my real birthday I woke up to tons of balloons and streamers all over our house. This sign was on our freezer…..Ryan bought Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches knowing he wouldn’t be able to fix me anything. Later that day I went to my parent house where my mom had one of my favorite meals eggs benedict, it was great! Then we (my family and Karen) went to the Town Square Mall to catch there holiday opening show. It was really crowded so we didn’t stay long. After the mall everyone (my family David and Karen) came over to my house and we had cake. My mom made my favorite cake, snickers! It was a great day!!! Fun fact…… I am the exact same age my mom was when had me and here I am having my first baby. I think it’s cool!
9 years ago
Breakfast in the freezer is adorable!!! Way to go Ryan! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
sounds like you had fun! That's so fun that you are the same age as your mom was when she had you!
Happy Birthday! I thought about you on your birthday... does that count? One of these days I will get my act together and send cards! Hope it was a great day!
24 was my age! Good age. I don't know that I ever knew your actual age. Or maybe it's just that when we first gelled you were 21 and have stayed that age in my head! haha. So, ya, I'm with you on the 21 thing. =) Happy Birthday!
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