As you know my Mom, Dad and three youngest siblings live in Australia, leaving behind Myself and my three other siblings. Ryan was working so I had my sibling over on Christmas. All of my siblings work at night so Christmas Eve, after they got off work at 1:30, 2:00 and 3:00 am, they came over to stay the night.
This picture is from Christmas Eve as we watch Ivy at night while Ashley works.
The children nestled all snug in their beds.....
My mom said they looked alike and needed a picture. I would say they were looking fairly similar that day.
My Grandad and Aunt Frieda came over to visit and skype with my family.
It was weird being the "Mom". What I mean is during the holidays my mom was the one up early cooking food and doing all that kind of stuff. Ashley and I got together a couple days before Christmas and made our traditional Hungarian nut cookies and a few other goodies. Christmas morning I made sausage casserole (another tradition) It was a hit! We had fun "hanging out" with the Aussies on their Boxing day (the day after Christmas is a holiday in Austrila called boxing day). We miss them but it was nice to at least see them!
In the afternoon we headed over to my Aunt Georgeanne and Uncle Rand's home. My Dad's whole side of the family was there excluding my parents and youngest siblings and my cousins Brent and Zach. Brent is currently serving a mission in Brazil and Zach in Mexico. Some of the family was able to speak with Brent and Zach and we were all able to Skype with my family.
We had a simple dinner of lasagna, rolls, veggies and salad. We had all been eating so much rich food and no one really wants to be in the kitchen all day so it was perfect! I made some toffee, which was loved by all especially My Uncle Rand:).....He was bragging to my Dad on Skype (just a little brotherly love).
It was nice to get everyone together as we don't see each other very often as we get busy and or live far away. We were very excited to meet Jon and Carleen's new baby boy Elias! We were also excited to hear the news of a new baby coming this August to Chad and Alli.
Merry Christmas to all....
Merry Christmas to all....
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