This year I asked Ryan "Will you be my Valentine?.......Since you had no choice in the matter of us getting married I thought I'd ask if you would like to be my Valentine." Ryan laughed and said "YES" I'm glad we can tease each other and have fun!
Our celebrating started two days before Valentine's day with these....
I was so surprised when he came home with them. Why would he come home with a Valentine's gift two days before Valentine's day? So he could come straight home on Valentine's day! Now that's sweet, that's thinking ahead! Unfortunately when he went to the See's store the lady locked the door as he was walking up:( Perhaps she was looking out for our thighs.
These are the TOMS Ryan got for me for Christmas. They say "LOVE is the new black" I thought they were festive for Valentine's day.
So I know a lot of people don't like Valentine's day because it is a "Hallmark" holiday that forces people one day a year to prove their undying love, and if they don't do it right they will pay for it until the next year. I agree somewhat....some of the jewelry commercials make me so mad! That being said I must admit really like Valentine's day. As a kid it was just fun! My mom would have special little things at our spot at the table and she would make special food. These are two things I would like to do with my own family! My Dad would bring us girls flowers, it always made me feel special. Maybe when Lucy gets a little older her daddy can bring her flowers. So that was home life as a kid. Then you would go to school have treats and pass out Valentine's. FUN.
So I know a lot of people don't like Valentine's day because it is a "Hallmark" holiday that forces people one day a year to prove their undying love, and if they don't do it right they will pay for it until the next year. I agree somewhat....some of the jewelry commercials make me so mad! That being said I must admit really like Valentine's day. As a kid it was just fun! My mom would have special little things at our spot at the table and she would make special food. These are two things I would like to do with my own family! My Dad would bring us girls flowers, it always made me feel special. Maybe when Lucy gets a little older her daddy can bring her flowers. So that was home life as a kid. Then you would go to school have treats and pass out Valentine's. FUN.
Now that I have a family of my own (aka...It's a nice way of saying I'm old) I like finding something festive to where and making special things to eat. I like to just make it fun. There are so many regular days why not make a few extra special?
I made sugar cookies. I make them every Valentine's day. Whenever I make them I think of my sister-in-law Lynne. She lives in Alaska but two or three years in a row they just so happened to be here for the holiday and we decorated cookies together. I miss you Lynne! This year I frosted my cookies at 4:30 AM!!! The babies woke me up SO many times that I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I decided to be productive. I made really cute cookies for a family at church and I meant to get a picture, but I forgot:( here is a picture of a couple I made...

Ezra was so cute! All day long he kept saying "Happy Valentine's day mom!" He thought the heart pancakes were fun. He new it was a special day. He also would tell me that my flowers were gorgeous. Someday he is going to make some woman really happy if he follows in his daddy's foot steps!
Heart shaped biscuits
I wanted to make Ryan (my sweetheart) one of his favorite meals for Valentines day so I decided to make my homemade chicken noddle soup. As I was rolling out the noddles I had the genius idea....
I must admit I felt like Martha Stewart. I think chicken noddle soup might become a Valentine's tradition in our home.
*side story
When we had everything up at Christmas time Ezra would ask "What is that?" Ryan would then tell him "They are decorations." So now he will go around the house and point out the decorations and very clearly say "Decoration." The other day Ryan was cleaning guns and had the gun snake hanging from the shower drying. Ezra walked into the bathroom pointed and said "Decoration!" Yes Ezra, we would be very fancy if we started decorating our shower.*
Ryan's Valentine
Now that's what I call a good day!
To my Valentine and my Valen-tinies.....I LOVE YOU!!!
Thanks for loving me back!
Yeah but the real reason you love Valentines is because you were popular in high school and had boyfriends. The real reason the rest of us hate it is those awful years between 7-12 grade when no one was required to give us one... and no one (aka cute boy) did. :)
Jealous of your shoes... and chocolates.
AAAHH! You are so cute! Damon's favorite was Ryan's V-Day gift - surprise, surprise!
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